ID DE acetyl-CoA carboxylase. CA acetyl-CoA + ATP + hydrogencarbonate = ADP + H(+) + malonyl-CoA + CA phosphate. CC -!- This enzyme is a multi-domain polypeptide that catalyzes three CC different activities - a biotin carboxyl-carrier protein (BCCP), CC a biotin carboxylase that catalyzes the transfer of a carboxyl group CC from hydrogencarbonate to the biotin molecule carried by the carrier CC protein, and the transfer of the carboxyl group from biotin to CC acetyl-CoA, forming malonyl-CoA. CC -!- In some organisms these activities are catalyzed by separate enzymes CC (see EC and EC CC -!- The carboxylation of the carrier protein requires ATP, while the CC transfer of the carboxyl group to acetyl-CoA does not. DR Q9TTS3, ACACA_BOVIN; Q13085, ACACA_HUMAN; Q5SWU9, ACACA_MOUSE; DR P11497, ACACA_RAT ; Q28559, ACACA_SHEEP; O00763, ACACB_HUMAN; DR E9Q4Z2, ACACB_MOUSE; P85438, ACAC_CATRO ; P11029, ACAC_CHICK ; DR Q54J08, ACAC_DICDI ; P78820, ACAC_SCHPO ; Q00955, ACAC_YEAST ; DR Q38970, ACC1_ARATH ; Q8S6N5, ACC1_ORYSJ ; F4I1L3, ACC2_ARATH ; DR B9FK36, ACC2_ORYSJ ; A0A4P8DJE6, DMXL1_CRYX8; B3LM95, HFA1_YEAS1 ; DR C7GRE4, HFA1_YEAS2 ; A6ZMR9, HFA1_YEAS7 ; C8ZF72, HFA1_YEAS8 ; DR P32874, HFA1_YEAST ; //