ID DE RNA 3'-terminal-phosphate cyclase (ATP). AN RNA-3'-phosphate cyclase. AN RNA cyclase. CA a 3'-end 3'-phospho-ribonucleotide-RNA + ATP = a 3'-end CA 2',3'-cyclophospho-ribonucleotide-RNA + AMP + diphosphate. CC -!- The enzyme converts the 3'-terminal phosphate of various RNA CC substrates into the 2',3'-cyclic phosphodiester in an ATP-dependent CC reaction. CC -!- Catalysis occurs by a three-step mechanism, starting with the CC activation of the enzyme by ATP, forming a phosphoramide bond between CC adenylate and a histidine residue. CC -!- The adenylate group is then transferred to the 3'-phosphate terminus CC of the substrate, forming the capped structure [RNA]- CC 3'-(5'-diphosphoadenosine). CC -!- Finally, the enzyme catalyzes an attack of the vicinal O-2' on the CC 3'-phosphorus, which results in formation of cyclic phosphate and CC release of the adenylate. CC -!- The enzyme also has a polynucleotide 5' adenylation activity. cf. CC EC DR Q9YES0, RTCA_AERPE ; O66884, RTCA_AQUAE ; O28837, RTCA_ARCFU ; DR Q2HJ88, RTCA_BOVIN ; A8MAV7, RTCA_CALMQ ; B8D680, RTCA_DESA1 ; DR O15746, RTCA_DICDI ; O77264, RTCA_DROME ; A7ZSU9, RTCA_ECO24 ; DR B7UKC4, RTCA_ECO27 ; B7MDP5, RTCA_ECO45 ; B7L4U9, RTCA_ECO55 ; DR P58127, RTCA_ECO57 ; B5YTX2, RTCA_ECO5E ; B7NMI4, RTCA_ECO7I ; DR B7N1J7, RTCA_ECO81 ; B7M2I0, RTCA_ECO8A ; C4ZVX1, RTCA_ECOBW ; DR B1X765, RTCA_ECODH ; A8A5M8, RTCA_ECOHS ; A1AGU3, RTCA_ECOK1 ; DR Q0TC48, RTCA_ECOL5 ; Q8FCS8, RTCA_ECOL6 ; B1IP46, RTCA_ECOLC ; DR P46849, RTCA_ECOLI ; B7NE24, RTCA_ECOLU ; B1LI80, RTCA_ECOSM ; DR Q1R5L5, RTCA_ECOUT ; A4XRJ0, RTCA_ECTM1 ; B7LSC2, RTCA_ESCF3 ; DR B7KCF3, RTCA_GLOC7 ; B0R414, RTCA_HALS3 ; Q9HRE8, RTCA_HALSA ; DR O00442, RTCA_HUMAN ; A2BN21, RTCA_HYPBU ; A8A9W2, RTCA_IGNH4 ; DR B1L6E9, RTCA_KORCO ; Q1IS76, RTCA_KORVE ; Q4R3J0, RTCA_MACFA ; DR Q8TH85, RTCA_METAC ; Q46DV9, RTCA_METBF ; Q12V70, RTCA_METBU ; DR Q609M1, RTCA_METCA ; Q60335, RTCA_METJA ; Q8TZC9, RTCA_METKA ; DR Q8PXC4, RTCA_METMA ; A4YEC3, RTCA_METS5 ; O27937, RTCA_METTH ; DR A0B532, RTCA_METTP ; Q9D7H3, RTCA_MOUSE ; Q2Y720, RTCA_NITMU ; DR B2IWJ8, RTCA_NOSP7 ; Q8YVS3, RTCA_NOSS1 ; Q5R7P3, RTCA_PONAB ; DR B7V0C8, RTCA_PSEA8 ; Q02G92, RTCA_PSEAB ; Q9HVJ9, RTCA_PSEAE ; DR Q4KEB8, RTCA_PSEF5 ; Q9V0Z6, RTCA_PYRAB ; Q8ZST4, RTCA_PYRAE ; DR A3MXQ7, RTCA_PYRCJ ; O59198, RTCA_PYRHO ; A1RSJ7, RTCA_PYRIL ; DR B1YDJ1, RTCA_PYRNV ; Q8Y2V6, RTCA_RALN1 ; Q97W04, RTCA_SACS2 ; DR B5F8N4, RTCA_SALA4 ; B5R378, RTCA_SALEP ; B5R7J6, RTCA_SALG2 ; DR B4TKU5, RTCA_SALHS ; C0Q0J3, RTCA_SALPC ; Q8ZLI0, RTCA_SALTY ; DR B2U3M8, RTCA_SHIB3 ; Q31VL3, RTCA_SHIBS ; Q32AN4, RTCA_SHIDS ; DR Q3YWK6, RTCA_SHISS ; A3DN24, RTCA_STAMF ; Q4JB78, RTCA_SULAC ; DR C3N179, RTCA_SULIA ; C4KKE6, RTCA_SULIK ; C3MKC1, RTCA_SULIL ; DR C3MU91, RTCA_SULIM ; C3NMT8, RTCA_SULIN ; C3N969, RTCA_SULIY ; DR Q974U1, RTCA_SULTO ; C5A2A3, RTCA_THEGJ ; Q5JIQ0, RTCA_THEKO ; DR B6YSJ5, RTCA_THEON ; C6A4N4, RTCA_THESM ; Q3M6L1, RTCA_TRIV2 ; //