ID DE succinate dehydrogenase (electrogenic, proton-motive force generating). CA a menaquinone + 2 H(+)(out) + succinate = a menaquinol + fumarate + CA 2 H(+)(in). CC -!- The enzyme is very similar to EC but differs by containing CC two heme molecules (located in the membrane anchor component) in CC addition to FAD and three iron-sulfur clusters. CC -!- Unlike EC, this enzyme catalyzes an electrogenic reaction, CC enabled by electron-bifurcation via the heme molecules. CC -!- In the direction of succinate oxidation by menaquinone, which is CC endergonic, the reaction is driven by the transmembrane CC electrochemical proton potential. CC -!- In the direction of fumarate reduction, the electrogenic electron CC transfer reaction is compensated by transmembrane proton transfer CC pathway known as the E-pathway, which results in overall CC electroneutrality. //